+ 49 9197 6282 956
+ 49 9197 6282 182
Currently there are 7,360 offers of reputable tour operators included in the study travel database, for example:
Bavaria Fernreisen GmbH
Marco Polo Reisen GmbH
Meiers Weltreisen
Baikaltours e.K.
Ameropa Reisen GmbH
with 71,585 travel dates available!
With studydata catalogues wont be necessary anymore. The study travel database contains all information the customer needs for his decision. Numerous images are included.
No customer is booking an outdated holiday, so in the database you there are no expired holidays or any that have already begun.
Currently there are 7,360 offers of reputable tour operators included in the study travel database, for example:
Bavaria Fernreisen GmbH
Marco Polo Reisen GmbH
Meiers Weltreisen
Baikaltours e.K.
Ameropa Reisen GmbH
with 71,585 travel dates available!
With studydata catalogues wont be necessary anymore. The study travel database contains all information the customer needs for his decision. Numerous images are included.
No customer is booking an outdated holiday, so in the database you there are no expired holidays or any that have already begun.
D.I.B.E. (Dive Internet Booking Engine)
Diving is one of the most fascinating sports. Experience another world where all life has begun. Silence, zero gravity, breathtaking impressions and contacts with the inhabitants of the sea.
In this online catalogue, we will introduce selected dive operators to you, who instruct according to internationally approved standards of leading diving associations.
Included are dive centers at following destinations: Egypt, Greece, Croatia, Netherlands Antilles, Maldives, Spain, Turkey, Thailand and Cyprus!
The diving IBE offers:
The D.I.B.E. is available as an affiliated version of Schmetterling Argema as well as a separate license with personal administration!
Diving is one of the most fascinating sports. Experience another world where all life has begun. Silence, zero gravity, breathtaking impressions and contacts with the inhabitants of the sea.
In this online catalogue, we will introduce selected dive operators to you, who instruct according to internationally approved standards of leading diving associations.
Included are dive centers at following destinations: Egypt, Greece, Croatia, Netherlands Antilles, Maldives, Spain, Turkey, Thailand and Cyprus!
The diving IBE offers:
- expansion of consumers services = additional value for customer & website
- price advantages for your customer compared to local prices (will appear in DIBE)
- deeplinks to destinations and dive centers
- css adjustment to your website (only with personal license)
- high-quality content due to sophisticated quality management
- Only reliable diving centers available, that instruct according to the internationally approved guidelines of leading dive associations (PADI, SSI, CMAS)
- automated booking process in real time right up to the voucher issue
- discover a new, interesting and potential market segment
- attractive commissions
- easy to sell via your own website
- the IBE is easy to handle
The D.I.B.E. is available as an affiliated version of Schmetterling Argema as well as a separate license with personal administration!
GIATA acquires and standardizes (normalizes) the digital image and text data of well-known travel operators and travel agents.
Functions of GIATA:
Benefit from multiple search possibilities such as catalogue-, full text-, hotel name-, region- or booking code search and find your personal hotel..
GIATA acquires and standardizes (normalizes) the digital image and text data of well-known travel operators and travel agents.
Functions of GIATA:
- Clipchannel; creation of hotel clips for free
- Tips & Deals; more than 24,000 tips and geographic information to restaurants, bars, pharmacies, doctors, airports, shops, museums
- FlipCat; integration of virtual travel catalogues in Giata Internet Hotel Guide
- TravelMail; TravelMail determines fully automated vacant travel offers and sends them to your customer by E-Mail.
- Extranet Hotel Guide, offers travel agents and travel professionals more than 1,000 catalogues of 270 tour operators with 550,000 travel offers.
Benefit from multiple search possibilities such as catalogue-, full text-, hotel name-, region- or booking code search and find your personal hotel..